Funny Babies Confused by Twin Parents Compilation

Funny Babies Confused by Twin Parents Compilation

- in Funny Video



  1. slimes and diys

    Awww poor baby lol 😂

    "I did"

  3. Funny I have never seen this done on TV

  4. Lol 😂 🔥

  5. Best video I’ve ever seen 😭❤️

  6. Saraswoti Khadka

    2:41 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  7. Omg🤧😂she said “Poor baby is so dumb

  8. Oh the first one got me good😂😂😂😂

  9. I felt bad for the babies lol

  10. Shubhneet Mahajan

    What happens in China?

  11. Natures cruelest funniest joke poor babies they were so confused I cant say it wasnt funny

  12. Mom what you put in my milk I'm seeing double lol

  13. belialiu belialiuhasanramaj

    Oooooo poor baby.

  14. dolcey opoku ware

    The poor black bby girl tho 😂😂

  15. insertrandomcleverusername

    Poop machine.exe has stop working

  16. Christopher Knott

    I love how the mum just says our poor babys so dumb

  17. The best one was the little black baby she was so cute and straight analyzing both twins lmao 😂 👍👌

  18. ㅋ 쌍둥이 엄마 아빠네

  19. My nephew doesn't know the difference between me and his mom 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  20. OMFG one with a Baby could say it's not hers and it's her Sisters cause they have the same DNA.
    She could do a runner and leave her Sister with the Baby.
    Omg,never thought about that,hahaa

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