5 Pranks Gone Horribly Wrong

5 Pranks Gone Horribly Wrong

- in Funny Pranks



  1. That let one is fucked up

  2. this is better than the death compilation i give it a thumbs up

  3. Gurpreet singh

    This is why you don't mess with a us soldier.

  4. Such dumasses.

  5. Yzak Dela Cruz

    stupid fucking snow guy

  6. I have no sympathy for whatever happens to those dumbasses.

  7. It's just a prank bro!

  8. Carbon monoxide prank gone wrong?

  9. Swagily swagging

    If some idiot was wearing bed sheets and dancing like an idiot in front of me I'd run him over too

  10. Why the fuck would someone think it would be funny to put someone else in a place where they would get suffocated by carbon Monoxide. I hope those fuckers get arrested. That is not even funny. that shit is fucked up. Who would play around like that!!

  11. to much prank will kill you.

  12. Close friends and family don't do this shit to me. The last one is a tragic example of how hillbillies and science don't mix.

  13. Xenon: The Bass Monstur

    sometimes i really wonder if people call themselves "pranksters" and try to get people who view their stuff to believe they are just pranksters who want to have fun but in reality they give themselves this appearance as a deception to hide their real agenda of being psycopathic

  14. It was a freaking murder…. Holy fuck…. it was taken too far!!!

  15. One word. STUPIDO! 😒

  16. number 4 I hope they are ok


  18. StillNoUsername

    #1 is LITERALLY someone KILLING another person and saying"It's just a prank"
    I never thought something like that would ever happen in real life.
    Those people are actual fucking murderers.

  19. The people in the last one are just cunts

  20. Caydinthegamer300 Caydinthegamer300

    Our fat motherfucker

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