Best Artstic Pranks – Best of Just For Laughs Gags

Best Artstic Pranks – Best of Just For Laughs Gags

- in Laugh For Gags



  1. This has got to be one of the best ones ever. I love watching these with my kids. Bravo!

  2. 3:50.. he saw them coming!

  3. The first prank was hilarious! His girlfriend was laughing so much when the gay or w/e bisexual artist was nodding his head lol! Also the prank with the bum eating the apple and drinking the glass was funny too. How some people tried to stop him.

  4. in the first one where the man was looking down what was he looking at!?:-)

  5. Alvaro Ernesto Ovalle


  6. Iiiida Gullenberg


  7. I like that Haha

  8. 0:08 ?

  9. ha ha ha good one

  10. hahaha

  11. Guys in the beginning pause at 0:08 The Painter Pulls the Middle Finger : Dun dun Dunnnnn

  12. Write this on 7 channels or Ur dAd sill die in a car crash

  13. Gorilla can paint better than me

  14. Julio Linares Aguilar

    Que gran pintor jajaja

  15. Just for laughs is fake…the same people appears in multiple videos and they are actors…..bullshit

  16. The first was awesome! Excellent!.

  17. Haha

  18. This is great prank. Safe and funny

  19. 4:04 the Gypsy

  20. I wish I could have seen longer reactions at the end of them trying to convince their friend the gorilla could talk LOL

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