Best of Backpack Bomb Prank Public Funny Scare

Best of Backpack Bomb Prank Public Funny Scare

- in Funny Pranks



  1. Deni Pratama Sadewo

    I'm muslim,this is fery fery not funny,what your problem bro?

  2. the guy at 0:36 i guess does not watch fox news lol

  3. exdi tutoriais app

    ele disse mata a dilma é português é ele disse mata a prsidente Dilma ķkkkkkk

  4. Fardin nice song guru Tamim

    This is the reason why people call Muslim terriost actually they are terriost

  5. This is a copyright

  6. See christians and jews, terrorist are the people who understood islam by killing people and being racist and its all wrong because prophet mohammed peace be upon him told us to be nice to ANY religions in WORLD even to the people who disrespect islam. ISLAM IS PEACE TO EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN THIS WORLD!N

  7. wth is he saying hahahah . he isnt even talking arabic

  8. Charles Rowland

    who cares about the exploitation of Islam, you people are going into left field with comments about it. I would blow his head off & not serve a day in jail

  9. These are the people who fuel the fire of misconception, hope they get knocked the f**k out. What type of sick mind do you have to have to think lets do a prank around something which people have lost loved ones over. If you think this is funny then am sorry to say you are the ultimate retard.

  10. Kelly Trueblood

    I hope they put you in jail for this. or better yet…. pull this on a person who carries….

  11. 0:32 mata dilma



  13. These aren't funny, it could cause some people some major trauma. Do you not realize that by throwing that bomb they're getting the realization that they might die. This is awful.

  14. catch this mother fucker and put him in jail. he is spreading terrorism and defaming other nationalities.

  15. muslim are not a terrorist
    respect the islams
    and you انتم ملعونون و مصيركم جهنم

  16. 99%funny

  17. ‫عمر هادم عرش كسرى‬‎

    Deforming the image of Islam Ncio nuclear bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan

  18. HaziqTheRoaster 69 (77)


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