Big Ass Girlfriend Twerk Prank! – BFvsGF Pranks 2016

Big Ass Girlfriend Twerk Prank! – BFvsGF Pranks 2016

- in Funny Pranks



  1. Put those buts on me

  2. queenofyoutube johnson

    have u notice u been pulling out our wegie on the whole video

  3. I have a question if you don't mind answering please

  4. daniela Bonventre

    No se pero mmmmm

  5. Layla Moonstream

    .o. 0 I'm 8 ;-; lol this ruwend my

  6. Alive like Selvage

    Whats her Instagram?? whats her names??

  7. When this hoes reach their late 30s they gonna be divorced, tons of debt, all alone.

  8. Eloida Guerrero

    be nakid

  9. Deathatthefeast


  10. Can I gang with u girls

  11. This isn't a prank this is borderlined porn


  13. They had to wake up to white girls who can't twerk. Poor guys.

  14. i guese 1 mans trash is another mans treasure

    stesie and clumy no no its straty and clumsy lol HAHAHA straty i man by straat hobo lol

  15. Ummm

  16. that's sexxy when the girls shake there privates over the boys

  17. what??????

  18. How is this a prank? Prank me please

  19. jelle op YouTube

    ik heb lekker gefapt

  20. girl on white shirt with black hair looks like she got beat up by her bf.or she just don't know how to do her make up lol joker looking ass

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